Simple Present Tense

Present tense is a verb tense that describes actions or events that are currently happening or that occur regularly. It is used to express what is happening at the moment of speaking or writing, or what happens regularly, habitually, or generally.

Here's an example:

"I eat breakfast every morning."

In this sentence, "eat" is the simple present tense form of the verb "eat". The speaker is describing a habit or routine they have in the present: eating breakfast every morning. The use of "eat" indicates that this action is a regular occurrence and happens in the present.


General rule: root form of the verb + s

like -> likes

think -> thinks

(Third person) verb ends in -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, or -z : verb + es

watch -> watches

finish -> finishes

kiss -> kisses

mix -> mixes

(Third person) verb ends in -y : verb + ies

study -> studies

carry -> carries

(Third person) verb ends in -y and has a preceding vowel : verb + s

delay -> delays

enjoy -> enjoys


Facts or general truths:

1) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

2) The earth orbits around the sun.

3) The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.

Habits or customs:

1) I eat breakfast every morning.

2) She goes for a run in the park every evening.

3) He reads the newspaper before work every day.

Future plans like schedules and timetables:

1) The conference begins at 9 AM on Monday.

2) The flight leaves at 7 PM tonight.

3) The movie starts at 2 PM this afternoon.

Reporting live events:

1) The referee blows the whistle and the game begins.

2) The singer takes the stage and starts the first song.

3) The announcer introduces the guest speaker, who walks up to the podium.


PositiveNegative"Yes/No" Question
I eatI do not eatDo i eat?
We eatWe do not eatDo we eat?
You eatYou do not eatDo you eat?
He eatsHe does not eatDoes he eat?
She eatsShe does not eatDoes she eat?
It eatsIt does not eatDoes it eat?
They eatThey do not eatDo they eat?