Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the time of speaking or around the present moment. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "to be" in the present tense, followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

Here's an example:

"I am currently studying for my exams."

In this sentence, "studying" is the present continuous tense form of the verb "study". The speaker is describing an action that is currently ongoing in the present moment, studying for their exams. The use of "studying" indicates that the action is currently in progress and ongoing.


Subject + am/is/are + present participle

I + am + walking

He/She/It + is + walking

You/They/We + are + walking

There are some verbs that are not generally used in the present continuous tense. These include:

Non-action verbs: Non-action verbs, also known as stative verbs, describe a state or condition, rather than an action and are not generally used in present continuous tense.

Examples of stative verbs include be, belong, like, dislike, hate, love, prefer, know, understand, want and need.

Verbs of perception: Verbs of perception, such as see, hear, smell, taste, and feel are used to describe the senses and are not generally used.

Verbs of possession: Verbs of possession, such as have and own, describe ownership or possession. These verbs are not generally used because they describe a state, rather than an ongoing action.


To describe actions happening now:

1) I am cooking dinner at the moment.

2) He is playing video games right now.

3) They are studying for their exam at the library.

To describe actions happening around now, but not necessarily at the exact moment of speaking:

1) He is learning Spanish these days.

2) We are looking for a new house this month.

3) The company is expanding its business this year.

To describe temporary or changing situations in which an action is ongoing and not yet completed:

1) The company is expanding its business this year.

2) She is feeling better after taking the medicine.

3) They are trying to reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation.


PositiveNegative"Yes/No" Question
I am talkingI am not talkingAm i talking?
We are talkingWe aren't talkingAre we talking?
You are talkingYou aren't talkingAre you talking?
He is talkingHe isn't talkingIs he talking?
She is talkingShe isn't talkingIs she talking?
It is walkingIt isn't walkingIs it walking?
They are talkingThey aren't talkingAre they talking?