Travel Idioms



British English


British English


American English


American English


AUS English


NZ English


SA English


IND English

1. Wild goose chase

It suggests that the person or people involved are chasing after something that is unlikely to be caught or found, similar to the difficulty of trying to catch a wild goose.

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I spent all day looking for my keys, but it was a wild goose chase

Trying to find a specific person in a crowded place is like a wild goose chase

I went to four different stores looking for that shirt, but it was a wild goose chase

They thought the treasure was hidden in the woods, but it turned out to be a wild goose chase

My friend sent me on a wild goose chase looking for a restaurant that didn't exist

2. A fish out of water

This idiom means to feel out of place or uncomfortable in a new or unfamiliar environment, such as a new country or culture.

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I grew up in the country, so when I moved to the city, I felt like a fish out of water

At the fancy party, I felt like a fish out of water in my jeans and t-shirt

Being the only vegetarian at the barbecue, I felt like a fish out of water

As a non-swimmer, I felt like a fish out of water when I went to the beach

When I traveled to a foreign country, I felt like a fish out of water because I didn't know the language

3. Be in the driver's seat

This idiom means to be in control of a situation or decision, usually with regard to travel plans or itinerary.

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I'm in the driver's seat for this project, so I get to make the final decisions

After years of being an assistant, she finally got a job where she's in the driver's seat

In a democracy, the voters are supposed to be in the driver's seat

It's my business, so I'm in the driver's seat when it comes to making the rules

As the team captain, he's in the driver's seat for the upcoming game

4. To go with the flow

This idiom means to be flexible and adaptable, usually in response to unexpected travel changes or disruptions.

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I don't have a plan for the weekend, I'm just going to go with the flow

Instead of getting angry, I decided to go with the flow and accept the situation

When traveling, it's always best to go with the flow and be open to new experiences

She's not very organized, so she tends to go with the flow instead of making a schedule

In a new job, it's important to go with the flow until you learn how things work

5. Hit the road

This idiom means to begin a journey, usually by car or other motorized vehicle.

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It's time to hit the road and start our journey to the beach

Let's hit the road early tomorrow morning so we can beat the traffic

I always get excited when I hit the road and head out on a new adventure

My friends and I decided to hit the road and go on a road trip across the country

We can't hit the road until we've packed all our camping gear and supplies

6. Go the extra mile

This idiom means to put in extra effort to achieve a goal or accomplish something.

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If you want to succeed in your job, you need to be willing to go the extra mile

The teacher was impressed with the student who went the extra mile and did extra research for their project

If you want to stand out from the competition, you have to go the extra mile and provide excellent service

The athlete went the extra mile by training hard every day to prepare for the race

I decided to go the extra mile and bake a cake from scratch for my friend's birthday

7. To travel light

This idiom means to pack lightly, usually for a trip where one will be moving frequently or carrying their own luggage.

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When you're backpacking, it's important to travel light and only bring the essentials

I always try to travel light when I go on vacation so I don't have to lug around heavy suitcases

Traveling light makes it easier to move around and explore new places

We're only going on a weekend trip, so I'm going to travel light and just bring a small backpack

It's hard to travel light when you have kids, but we managed to pack everything we needed in one suitcase

8. Off the beaten path

This idiom means to go to a less traveled or less popular destination, often to explore something unique or off the usual tourist trail.

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I love exploring new places that are off the beaten path and not touristy

We decided to take a hike off the beaten path and discovered a beautiful waterfall

The restaurant we found was off the beaten path, but it was worth it for the amazing food

Sometimes it's nice to escape the crowds and go somewhere off the beaten path

Our travel guide recommended some off the beaten path destinations that we never would have found on our own

9. A road warrior

This idiom means to travel frequently, usually for work or business, and to be accustomed to the challenges and stresses of travel.

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My dad is a road warrior and travels for work almost every week

To be a road warrior, you need to be comfortable living out of a suitcase and always on the go

The company's top salesperson is a road warrior who travels across the country to meet with clients

I used to be a road warrior for my job, but now I prefer to work from home

Being a road warrior can be exhausting, but it's also exciting to see new places and meet new people
