Finance Idioms



British English


British English


American English


American English


AUS English


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SA English


IND English

1. Make ends meet

This idiom means to manage one's finances so that one can cover all of one's expenses.

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I work two jobs just to make ends meet and pay my bills

We're trying to find ways to make ends meet since our income has decreased

My parents had to be resourceful to make ends meet when they were young

It's tough to make ends meet when you're living in an expensive city

With the rising cost of living, many families struggle to make ends meet

2. Save for a rainy day

This idiom means to save money for unexpected or difficult times in the future.

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I'm trying to save some money for a rainy day, so I can be prepared for unexpected expenses

My parents always told me to save for a rainy day, in case I lose my job or get sick

Even though it's tempting to spend my whole paycheck, I always try to save a portion of it for a rainy day

I didn't understand the importance of saving for a rainy day until my car broke down and I didn't have any money to fix it

It's a good idea to save for a rainy day, especially if you live in an area with frequent power outages or natural disasters

3. Tighten one's belt

This idiom means to reduce one's spending and live more frugally in order to save money.

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With the recession, many people have had to tighten their belts and cut back on expenses

I've been tightening my belt and using coupons to save money

It's a good idea to tighten your belt and live below your means to save money

My parents always taught me to tighten my belt during tough times

We had to tighten our belt when my husband lost his job, but we made it through

4. Be in the red

This idiom means to be in debt or have negative finances.

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My business is struggling and we've been in the red for the past few months

It's important to keep track of your finances so you don't end up in the red

I had to take out a loan to cover my expenses when I was in the red

Many new business owners find themselves in the red until they establish a customer base

Being in the red can be stressful, but there are ways to get back on track

5. Be in the black

This idiom means to have positive finances, with more money coming in than going out.

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The company has finally turned a profit and is now in the black

I'm trying to get my finances in order so that I can be in the black by the end of the month

If we can increase sales, we should be able to get back in the black

It's always a good feeling to see your bank account in the black

The business was struggling for a while, but it's now back in the black and doing well

6. Put one's money where one's mouth is

This idiom means to invest in something or to back up one's words with financial support.

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If you really believe in your idea, then you should put your money where your mouth is

Jack always talks about how important it is to donate to charity, but he never puts his money where his mouth is

I respect people who put their money where their mouth is and take action instead of just talking

He said he was going to support the cause, but he never put his money where his mouth is

Before you criticize someone else's idea, put your money where your mouth is and come up with a better solution

7. To make a killing

This idiom means to make a large profit or to be very successful financially.

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The stock market has been doing well, and some investors have made a killing

If we can get this product to market before the competition, we could make a killing

The company made a killing on its latest product launch and is now expanding its operations

Some people try to make a killing by flipping houses, but it's a risky business

You can make a killing in the entertainment industry if you're lucky and talented

8. Have money to burn

This idiom means to have a lot of money to spend or waste without any concern for financial consequences.

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He's always buying expensive gadgets and luxury items - he must have money to burn

If I had money to burn, I would invest in a startup or buy a vacation home

They must have money to burn if they can afford to dine at such fancy restaurants every night

Winning the lottery would mean having money to burn for many people

Even if you have money to burn, it's important to spend it wisely and save for the future

9. Money talks

It means that wealth and financial power can be used to influence or persuade people to do things that they might not otherwise do.

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Money talks, and it can be a powerful motivator for some people

In business, money talks and the bottom line is the most important thing

They say that money talks, and that's why you should never underestimate the power of wealth

When it comes to politics, money talks and those with the most money tend to have the most influence

It's unfortunate, but in some situations, money talks louder than principles or ethics


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