Sadness Idioms



British English


British English


American English


American English


AUS English


NZ English


SA English


IND English

1. Down in the dumps

This idiom means to feel sad, depressed, or unhappy.

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I failed my exam and have been down in the dumps all day

She's been down in the dumps since her dog passed away

After losing his job, he was down in the dumps for weeks

Whenever it rains, he gets down in the dumps because he can't play soccer

I know you're feeling down in the dumps now, but things will get better

2. Be in a funk

This idiom means to feel low or depressed, often for no apparent reason.

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Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend, he's been in a funk

I'm in a funk today, and I can't seem to shake it off

After the accident, he was in a funk for a long time

She's been in a funk ever since her boss criticized her work

I don't know what's wrong, but I've been in a funk for days

3. Have the blues

This idiom means to feel sad, usually as a result of a personal situation or circumstance.

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I don't know why, but I've had the blues all day

She always has the blues during the winter months

Whenever he hears that song, he gets the blues

After the breakup, he had the blues for a long time

I'm having the blues because I miss my family

4. Be under a cloud

This idiom means to feel sad or unhappy, often due to an ongoing problem or situation.

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Ever since the accident, James has been under a cloud

I'm always under a cloud when it's raining outside

When I'm under a cloud, I try to think of things that make me happy

Don't worry about being under a cloud; it happens to everyone sometimes

I felt like I was under a cloud when I found out I didn't get the job
