Real English Conversation - 77 : Museum

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John: This museum is amazing! I had no idea they had so many ancient artifacts.
Clara: I know, it's incredible. I could spend hours here.
John: Look at this statue. It must be thousands of years old.
Clara: It's beautiful. I wonder what the people who made it were like.
John: Hey, check out this painting. It's by one of the most famous artists of all time.
Clara: Really? Which one?
John: Rembrandt.
Clara: I think my favorite exhibit so far is the one on ancient Egypt.
John: Me too! The hieroglyphics are so fascinating.Did you know that this museum has a rare collection of pre-Columbian art?
Clara: No, I had no idea. Let's go check it out! This sculpture is incredible. It's so detailed.
John: Yeah, the artist was really talented. Have you ever seen a real dinosaur bone before?
Clara: No, this is my first time. It's amazing to think about how long ago these creatures roamed the earth. This museum is so big. I feel like we could spend days here and still not see everything.
John: I know what you mean. We'll have to come back again. Wow, this painting is massive! I can't even imagine how long it took to create.
Clara: It's impressive, for sure. I think I've had my fill of art and history for today. Want to grab a coffee?
John: Sure, that sounds great.
What is the subject of the exhibit that Clara likes the most?
Which artist created the painting that John and Clara were looking at?
What is the focus of the exhibit that John tells Clara about?
What is the subject of the sculpture that John and Clara admire?
What do John and Clara decide to do after visiting the museum?
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