
Adverbs typically provide information about how, when, where, why or to what extent something is done. An adverb modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
AdverbExample Sentences

i) She sang beautifully.

ii) He spoke loudly.

iii) They danced gracefully.

iv) He walked carefully.


i) I wake up early in the morning.

ii) They arrived late to the party.

iii) She called her friend yesterday.

iv) He will come tomorrow.


i) The cat was hiding underneath the table.

ii) We searched everywhere for the lost keys.

iii) The kids were playing outside in the park..

iv) The restaurant is located upstairs in the mall..


i) She volunteered to help out at the shelter because she loves animals.

ii) He is studying hard because he wants to get into a good university.

iii) They left early because they wanted to avoid the rush hour traffic.

iv) The team trained tirelessly in order to win the championship.

Types of Adverbs

There are several types of adverbs as follows

1) Adverbs of manner

2) Adverbs of time

3) Adverbs of place

4) Adverbs of frequency

5) Adverbs of degree

1) Adverbs of manner

An adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed or how something happens. They give us more information about the way in which an action is carried out.

Here's an example:

"She sings beautifully."

In this sentence, the adverb "beautifully" is an adverb of manner as it describes how she sings. The word "beautifully" tells us that the action of singing is performed in a beautiful or pleasing way.

Other examples of adverbs of manner include slowly, quickly, easily, happily, angrily, and gracefully.


1) She sang beautifully.

2) He ran quickly.

3) They danced gracefully.

4) The chef cooked the meal perfectly.

5) The athlete moved skillfully.

2) Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time indicate when an action happened or the frequency of an action. These adverbs can refer to the past, present, or future, and they can be specific (e.g. yesterday, now) or general (e.g. always, never).

Here's an example:

"She will visit her grandparents tomorrow."

In this sentence, "tomorrow" is an adverb of time that indicates when the action of visiting her grandparents will take place.

Other examples of adverbs of time include yesterday, today, now, soon, later, frequently, sometimes..


1) We usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning.

2) He arrived early for the meeting.

3) She will start the project tomorrow.

4) They have been waiting for hours.

5) The concert ended late last night.

3) Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place describe the location or position where an action takes place. These adverbs often answer the question "where" in a sentence.

Here's an example:

"The cat sat on the roof."

In this sentence, "on the roof" is an adverbs of place which describes where the cat sat. It tells us the location of the action.


1) She looked everywhere for her keys.

2) The children ran upstairs to their rooms.

3) The birds are flying overhead.

4) The bird flew away, disappearing into the distance.

5) The hikers trekked deep into the forest.

4) Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency indicate how often an action is performed. These adverbs can be used to answer the question "How often?" Examples of adverbs of frequency include always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, and never.

Here's an example:

"I always eat breakfast before work."

In this sentence, "always" is an adverb of frequency, indicating that the speaker eats breakfast before work on a regular basis.


1) I always brush my teeth before bed.

2) She rarely goes to the gym anymore.

3) We usually take the bus to work.

4) He occasionally drinks alcohol with his friends.

5) They never eat fast food because it's unhealthy.

5) Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree modify other adverbs, adjectives, or verbs to indicate the level or extent of the action or quality being described. They answer the question "to what extent?" or "how much?".

i) Here's an example:

"He runs very fast."

In this sentence, the adverb "very" modifies the adverb "fast" to show that he runs at a high level of speed.

ii) Here's another example:

"She was extremely tired after running the marathon."

In this sentence, the adverb "extremely" modifies the adjective "tired" to show that she was very tired.

iii) Adverbs of degree can also modify verbs.

"I completely forgot about the meeting."

In this sentence, the adverb "completely" modifies the verb "forgot" to show that the speaker forgot in a full or total manner.


1) He's very happy today. (The adverb "very" modifies the adjective "happy" and indicates a high degree of happiness.)

2) She almost missed her flight. (The adverb "almost" modifies the verb "missed" and indicates a high degree of closeness to missing the flight.)

3) The weather is quite cold outside. (The adverb "quite" modifies the adjective "cold" and indicates a relatively high degree of coldness.)

4) He completely forgot about the appointment. (The adverb "completely" modifies the verb "forgot" and indicates a high degree of forgetfulness.)

5) She hardly ever goes to the gym. (The adverb phrase "hardly ever" modifies the verb "goes" and indicates a low degree of frequency.)
