Real English Conversation - 80 : New year celebration

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Steve: Hey Andrea, what do you think about having a New Year's party at our house this year?

Andrea: That's a great idea! We haven't hosted a party in a while.

Steve: We should start thinking about the guest list. Who do you want to invite?

Andrea: Let's invite our friends from work, and maybe some of our neighbors.

Steve: What about food and drinks? Should we provide everything or have people bring something to share?

Andrea: I think we should provide the main course and drinks, and ask our guests to bring a side dish or dessert.

Steve: Do you have any ideas for party games or activities?

Andrea: We could set up a board game area, or have a karaoke machine. What do you think?

Steve: Should we have a theme for the party, like a costume party or black and white attire?

Andrea: That could be fun. Let's ask our guests what they prefer.

Steve: I'm thinking of setting up a photo booth with props. Would you be interested in helping me with that?

Andrea: Sure, that sounds like a great idea. I'll help you gather the props and decorations.

Steve: What time should we start the party?

Andrea: I think we should start around 8 pm, that way people have time to eat dinner before they come.

Steve: Do we need to send out invitations, or can we just invite people through text or social media?

Andrea: I think we should send out formal invitations, it's more personal and adds to the excitement of the event.

Steve: Should we have a countdown to midnight and watch the ball drop on TV?

Andrea: Definitely! That's a classic New Year's tradition.

Steve: Do you think we need to hire a cleaning service to come after the party?

Andrea: That's a good idea. We can schedule a cleaning service ahead of time, so we don't have to worry about it.

Question 1:

Who are Steve and Andrea inviting to their New Year's party?

Question 2:

Who does Andrea suggest inviting to the party?

Question 3:

What time is the party starting?

Question 4:

What will the guests be bringing to the party?

Question 5:

What activity will be available for the guests at the party?

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