Real English Conversation - 106 : Weather

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Tony: It's so hot today. I wish I had brought a water bottle.
Patricia: I know, I'm regretting wearing this sweater. I heard it's supposed to rain later today. Do you have an umbrella?
Tony: No, I didn't check the forecast. I hope it's not too heavy of a downpour. It's been so cloudy all week. I miss the sunshine.
Patricia: Yeah, I'm getting tired of the gray skies too. Did you hear about the snowstorm that hit the East Coast last week?
Tony: Yeah, it looked pretty intense. I'm glad we don't have to deal with that kind of weather here. I love when it's breezy like this. It feels so refreshing.
Patricia: I agree. It's a nice break from the heat. I heard that there's a heat wave coming next week. We should prepare for that.
Tony: Good idea. I'll make sure to have plenty of water on hand. I hate it when it's humid like this. It feels so sticky.
Patricia: I know, it's like you're constantly covered in a layer of sweat. I love when it's crisp and cool outside. It's perfect weather for a walk.
Tony: Me too. It's my favorite time of year. I'm amazed at how quickly the weather can change. It was sunny just an hour ago.
Patricia: That's true. It keeps things interesting, I guess. I'm so glad it's finally spring. I love seeing all the flowers in bloom.
Tony: Me too. It's a nice change from the drab winter scenery.
What is the weather like today?
What is the speaker's opinion on the current weather?
What type of weather does the speaker enjoy going for a walk in?
What did the speaker mention missing in conversation?
What did the speaker mention as a potential preparation for the upcoming heat wave?
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