Real English Conversation - 110 : Zoo

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John: Look at those lions! They're so majestic.
Clara: I know, they're one of my favorite animals. Check out the monkeys. They're so playful and curious.
John: Yeah, it's amazing how similar they are to humans. Have you ever seen a giraffe up close before?
Clara: No, this is my first time. They're even taller than I imagined. I love the birds in the aviary. The colors are so beautiful.
John: Yeah, they're really striking. Let's go see the reptile exhibit.
Clara: I don't know, snakes kind of freak me out.
John: Don't worry, I'll protect you.
Clara: The elephants are so cute. Look at how they use their trunks.
John: Yeah, they're incredibly intelligent creatures. Do you want to see the big cats exhibit?
Clara: Sure, but let's stay behind the fence. The koalas are so adorable. I wish I could take one home.
John: I think they might object to that. Did you know that there's a petting zoo here?
Clara: No way! Let's go check it out. I had a great time at the zoo today.
John: Me too. It's always so cool to see all these amazing animals.
What animal is one of Clara's favorites at the zoo?
What does John say about the monkeys?
What is Clara's reaction when John suggests they visit the reptile exhibit?
What animal does Clara wish she could take home?
What do John and Clara think of their day at the zoo?
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