Real English Conversation - 38 : Fireworks

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John: Have you heard about the big fireworks show on New Year's Eve?

Julie: No, I haven't. Where is it going to be held?

John: It's going to be at the city park. I heard it's going to be amazing.

Julie: That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm definitely interested in going.

John: Do you know what time it starts?

Julie: I think it starts at midnight, right when the New Year begins.

John: Perfect. I'm really looking forward to seeing the fireworks.

Julie: Me too. It's always so beautiful to watch them light up the sky.

John: I hope the weather cooperates. It would be a shame if it's raining.

Julie: Yeah, let's keep our fingers crossed for clear skies.

John: Do you think we should bring chairs to sit on?

Julie: I was actually thinking we could bring a blanket to sit on the grass.

John: That's a good idea. We can also bring some snacks and drinks.

Julie: I'll bring some hot cocoa. It will be the perfect way to stay warm.

John: Sounds great. Let's plan to get there early so we can get a good spot.

Question 1:

When is the fireworks show taking place?

Question 2:

Where is the fireworks show going to be held?

Question 3:

What time does the fireworks show start?

Question 4:

What does Julie suggest they bring to sit on?

Question 5:

What does Julie plan to bring to keep warm?

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