IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 - with Answers



Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Notes for holiday
Travel information: will email the flight number
• Must find out which (1) arriving at
• Best taxi company (2)
• Note: Simon lives in the (3) of the city
• Simon's cell phone number (4)
What to pack
To wear:
• Casual clothes
• One smart dress - to wear at a (5)
• A good (6)
• Tough (7)
To read:
• Try to find book named (8) by Rox Campbell
For presents:
• For Janice (9)
• For Alec (10) (with racing pictures)


Questions 11-16

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Camber's theme park
11. According to the speaker, in what way is Camber's different from other theme parks?

it is suitable for different age groups

it offers lots to do in wet weather

it has a focus on education

12. The park first opened in




13. What is included in the entrance fee?

most rides and parking

all rides and some exhibits

parking and all rides

14. Becoming a member of the Adventurers Club means

you can avoid queuing so much

you can enter the park free for a year

you can visit certain zones closed to other people

15. The Future Farm zone encourages visitors to

buy animals as pets

learn about the care of animals

get close to the animals

16. When is hot food available in the park?

10 am - 5.30 pm

11 am - 5 pm

10.30 am - 5 pm

Questions 17-20

What special conditions apply to the following rides?

Choose FOUR answers from the list below and write correct letter A-F next to the questions 17-20

Special conditions for visitors
A Must be over a certain age
B Must use special safety equipment
C Must avoid it if they have health problems
D Must wear a particular type of clothing
E Must be over a certain height
F Must be accompanied by an adult if under 16
17. River Adventure
18. Jungle Jim Rollercoaster
19. Swoop Slide
20. Zip Go-carts


Questions 21-22

Choose TWO CHOICES from letters A-E.

21-22. What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree to say about listening in groups?

Listening skills are often overlooked in business training

Learning to listen well is a skill that is easy for most people to learn

It is sometimes acceptable to argue against speakers

Body language is very important when listening

Listeners should avoid interrupting speakers

Questions 23-24

Choose TWO CHOICES from letters A-E.

23-24. What TWO things does the article say about goal setting?

Meetings should start with a clear statement of goals

It is important for each individual goals to be explained.

Everybody in the group should have the same goals.

Goals should be a mix of the realistic and the ideal.

Goals must always to be achievable within a set time.

Questions 25-26

Choose TWO CHOICES from letters A-E.

25-26. What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree are weak points in the article's section on conflict resolution?

It does not explore the topic in enough detail

It only discusses conservative views

It says nothing about the potential value of conflict

It talks too much about winners and losers

It does not provide definitions of key terms

Questions 27-30

Choose FOUR answers from the list below and write the correct letter A-F next to questions 27-30.

What actions do Brad and Helen agree to do regarding the following preparation tasks?
A Contact the tutor for clarification
B Check the assignment specifications
C Leave it until the last task
D Ask a course-mate to help
E Find information on the internet
F Look through course handbooks
Preparation tasks
27. Preparing the powerpoint
28. Using direct quotations
29. Creating a handout
30. Drawing up a bibliography


Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Engineering for sustainable development
• Short growing season because of high altitude and low (31)
• Fresh vegetables imported by lorry or by (32) , so are expensive
• Need to use sunlight to prevent local plants from (33)
• Previous programmes to provide greenhouses were (34)
New greenhouse
Meets criteria for sustainability
• Simple and (35) to build
• Made mainly from local materials (mud or stone for the walls, wood and (36) for the roof)
• Building and maintenance done by local craftsmen
• Runs solely on (37) energy
• Only families who have a suitable (38) can own one
• Long side faces South
• Strong polythene cover
• Inner (39) are painted black or white
Social benefits
• Owner's status is improved
• Rural (40) have greater opportunities
• More children are educated
IELTS Listening Practice Test - 3
IELTS Listening Practice Test - 5

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